Author, artist, musician and a commentator on modern times, Patrick “Storm” Swonger is a thoughtful observer and interpreter of events. This site features creative works and provides resources and information about Patrick Storm.
© Vidion Communications, Inc. & Patrick “Storm” Swonger. All rights reserved.. 2021

Born a wanderer in search….

Through words, music, photos, video or art, Patrick “Storm” Swonger has documented, discovered and interpreted life and a range of human experience. The rapid development of affordable creative acquisition technologies challenges artists to master new mediums and creative forms.

An Evolving Concept

It’s been a handful to sail the boat AND keeping it moving through the first leg of the journey to outside of Buffalo, New York. There’s lessons learned that will improve coverage in the future. We’re producing new and different elements to convey more information of interest to followers, sponsors and patrons.

About us
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Born a wanderer in search….

Through words, music, photos, video or art, Patrick “Storm” Swonger has documented, discovered and interpreted life and a range of human experience. The rapid development of affordable creative acquisition technologies challenges artists to master new mediums and creative forms.

An Evolving Concept

It’s been a handful to sail the boat AND keeping it moving through the first leg of the journey to outside of Buffalo, New York. There’s lessons learned that will improve coverage in the future. We’re producing new and different elements to convey more information of interest to followers, sponsors and patrons.

About us