Author, artist, musician and a commentator on modern times, Patrick “Storm” Swonger is a thoughtful observer and interpreter of events. This site features creative works and provides resources and information about Patrick Storm.
© Vidion Communications, Inc. & Patrick “Storm” Swonger. All rights reserved.. 2021

Projects & Products


Figfty years of writing songs and playing live music has resulted in immeasureable joy in my life. For the past decade, Patrick Storm has explored live looping with a 5 track Roland devicer. It’s a fun and handy songwriting tool that allows for the development of songs and musical ideas. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Patrick pushed looping to new levels by pre-recoding ttight arrangements of performance songs.

Current Projects

I’ve made a commitment to complete the Great Loop in a multi-year creative project to move a 31 foot sailboat, the Celtic Wind more through more than 3,000 miles of waterways, canals and lakes in a circumnavigation of the Eastern US. The Celtic Wind Project it’s a multi-media effort to document the journey within a journey. Information on sailing, boat acquisition, maintenance and repair, history, music ,nature and challenges in the personal life of the author are waypoints in a voyage of discovery and wonder.

Books and Short Stories

Creative output of writing that documents different phases of the Great Loop journey and chapters of the author’s life. Thanks to the financial support of readers, future projects and adventures are funded. The site also feautres early writings and stories, some that have been included in other collections.

Photos and Video

A number of different photo collections are accessible here. The more recent photo albums are from the voyage of the Celtic Wind and segments of the Great Loop. Older photo sets document more than four decades of exploriation of the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado. The Alpine and Sub-Alpine wildflower photo set is from San Juan County Colorado. The life zones are the most consistent and flowers and fauna are identical no matter where they are found in the world.
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Projects & Products


Figfty years of writing songs and playing live music has resulted in immeasureable joy in my life. For the past decade, Patrick Storm has explored live looping with a 5 track Roland devicer. It’s a fun and handy songwriting tool that allows for the development of songs and musical ideas. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Patrick pushed looping to new levels by pre-recoding ttight arrangements of performance songs.

Current Projects

I’ve made a commitment to complete the Great Loop in a multi-year creative project to move a 31 foot sailboat, the Celtic Wind more through more than 3,000 miles of waterways, canals and lakes in a circumnavigation of the Eastern US. The Celtic Wind Project it’s a multi-media effort to document the journey within a journey. Information on sailing, boat acquisition, maintenance and repair, history, music ,nature and challenges in the personal life of the author are waypoints in a voyage of discovery and wonder.

Books and Short Stories

Creative output of writing that documents different phases of the Great Loop journey and chapters of the author’s life. Thanks to the financial support of readers, future projects and adventures are funded. The site also feautres early writings and stories, some that have been included in other collections.

Photos and Video

A number of different photo collections are accessible here. The more recent photo albums are from the voyage of the Celtic Wind and segments of the Great Loop. Older photo sets document more than four decades of exploriation of the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado. The Alpine and Sub-Alpine wildflower photo set is from San Juan County Colorado. The life zones are the most consistent and flowers and fauna are identical no matter where they are found in the world.