Author, artist, musician and a commentator on modern times, Patrick “Storm” Swonger is a thoughtful observer and interpreter of events. This site features creative works and provides resources and information about Patrick Storm.
© Vidion Communications, Inc. & Patrick “Storm” Swonger. All rights reserved.. 2021

Four Corners - Original Music

Fourteen original songs by Patrick ”Storm” Swonger. This collection was produced through the recording of live loop performances and supplemented with post-production tracks in the studio. All insturments and vocal tracks are by Patrick “Storm” Swonger unless otherwise noted. A new version of Fire In the Hole is included, a song written when Patrick was working in the hard rock mining of gold and silver in Colorado. Other songs draw inspiration from the visual splendor of the Four Corners area of the Southwest US. From deserts to high mountains, some of the most beautiful scenery in the West ern US is found in this geologically diverse area. This collection captures unique aspects of the new American West. Available as a download. $14.99

Voyage of the Celtic Wind - Humble Beginnings (Book 1)

A collection of short stories and writings written around the first leg of the Great Loop voyage fron New York City to Lake Erie. The collection documents the different levels of the journey, including the anxiety and emotional turmoil of a maritial separation for the author after 24 years of marriage. More than a travelogue of the 31 foot sailboat, the Celtic Wind, the book is a commentary on life and times during the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. In Book 1, Humble Beginnings, the story is developed and characters introduced as the firrst leg of the voyage of the Great Loop, from New York City to the shores of Lake Eiie in North Tonawanda, New York is completed. Electronic and hardcopy versions are available. Additional content such as video, photos, music and other creative workks are only offered through the website. $19.99

One-year Full Site and Creative Content Access -

Writing, poetry, photos, music and art - full access to ccreative work on this site for one year. . $39.99

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Four Corners -

Original Music

Fourteen original songs by Patrick ”Storm” Swonger. This collection was produced through the recording of live loop performances and supplemented with post- production tracks in the studio. All insturments and vocal tracks are by Patrick “Storm” Swonger unless otherwise noted. A new version of Fire In the Hole is included, a song written when Patrick was working in the hard rock mining of gold and silver in Colorado. Other songs draw inspiration from the visual splendor of the Four Corners area of the Southwest US. From deserts to high mountains, some of the most beautiful scenery in the West ern US is found in this geologically diverse area. This collection captures unique aspects of the new American West. Available as a download. $14.99

Voyage of the Celtic

Wind - Humble

Beginnings (Book 1)

A collection of short stories and writings written around the first leg of the Great Loop voyage fron New York City to Lake Erie. The collection documents the different levels of the journey, including the anxiety and emotional turmoil of a maritial separation for the author after 24 years of marriage. More than a travelogue of the 31 foot sailboat, the Celtic Wind, the book is a commentary on life and times during the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. In Book 1, Humble Beginnings, the story is developed and characters introduced as the firrst leg of the voyage of the Great Loop, from New York City to the shores of Lake Eiie in North Tonawanda, New York is completed. Electronic and hardcopy versions are available. Additional content such as video, photos, music and other creative workks are only offered through the website. $19.99

One-year Full Site and

Creative Content

Access -

Writing, poetry, photos, music and art - full access to ccreative work on this site for one year. . $39.99
