Author, artist, musician and a commentator on modern times, Patrick “Storm” Swonger is a thoughtful observer and interpreter of events. This site features creative works and provides resources and information about Patrick Storm.
© Vidion Communications, Inc. & Patrick “Storm” Swonger. All rights reserved.. 2021

Friday 6th April 2021

Site is going through an upgrade that will add new features and capabilities. Most of our focus has been with the Celtic Wind project.

Thursday 8th March 2021

Great to get the site back up and running on a newer version of software. It’s an incremental process that will result is richer content and better organization of archive materials.


Changing Times:

Morphing media

creates new

opportunities and


There’s been unprecedented development of cameras and devices for media acquisition. Cell phones have more production capability than high end cameras from just a few years ago. It’s easier to gather and edit source materials than ever before. We will continue to adapt our methodology to enhance our ability to collect, write and publish creative works as new tools and techniques are available.
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Friday 6th April 2021

Site is going through an upgrade that will add new features and capabilities. Most of our focus has been with the Celtic Wind project.

Thursday 8th March 2021

Great to get the site back up and running on a newer version of software. It’s an incremental process that will result is richer content and better organization of archive materials.
