Author, artist, musician and a commentator on modern times, Patrick “Storm” Swonger is a thoughtful observer and interpreter of events. This site features creative works and provides resources and information about Patrick Storm.
© Vidion Communications, Inc. & Patrick “Storm” Swonger. All rights reserved.. 2021

The artistic dimensions of Patrick “Storm” Swonger

Always a generalist and quick to pick up new perspective, knowledge or skill, Patrick “Storm” Swonger carries on the American musical and artistic tradition of the wandering artist, musician, adventurer searching for insight and inspiration, trying to learn more about who we are and the times we live. Have a look around and explore the varied creative content on the site. Hope to see you to interact on the road.

Current Projects & News of Note

Visit for information about Patrick “Storm” Swonger and the circumnavigation of the Eastern United States by sailboat on the Great Loop. As of the winter of 2021-22 the boat is on the hard in North Tonawanda, NY after comleting the first leg of the voyage from New York City, up the Hudson River and across the Erie Canal to the shores of Lake Erie. The Great Lakes segment of the Great Loop voyage begins int he Spring of 2022.

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The artistic

dimensions of

Patrick “Storm”


Always a generalist and quick to pick up new perspective, knowledge or skill, Patrick “Storm” Swonger carries on the American musical and artistic tradition of the wandering artist, musician, adventurer searching for insight and inspiration, trying to learn more about who we are and the times we live. Have a look around and explore the varied creative content on the site. Hope to see you to interact on the road.

Current Projects & News

of Note

Visit for information about Patrick “Storm” Swonger and the circumnavigation of the Eastern United States by sailboat on the Great Loop. As of the winter of 2021-22 the boat is on the hard in North Tonawanda, NY after comleting the first leg of the voyage from New York City, up the Hudson River and across the Erie Canal to the shores of Lake Erie. The Great Lakes segment of the Great Loop voyage begins int he Spring of 2022.
